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自发的;自然的双语例句 原声例句 权威例句1.That tells us whether the change is spontaneous. 这可以告诉我们变化是否是自发的。2.So I have come to believe in forgiveness as spontaneous and unwilled.所以我开始渐渐相信宽恕是自发的、无意识产生的。


spontaneous[spCn5teinjEs, -niEs]adj.自发的, 自然产生的spontaneousspon.ta.ne.ousAHD:[sp¼n-t³“n¶-…s] D.J.[spKn6te!ni8*s]K.K.[sp$n6teni*s]adj.(形容词)Happening or arising without apparent external cause; self-generated.自然产生的:非由显然的外力诱发或产生的;自我生成的Arising from a natural inclination or impulse and not from external incitement or constraint.内在冲动的:由于自然倾向或冲动且非外部刺激或者强制而引起的Unconstrained and unstudied in manner or behavior.无约束的,不须学习的:在仪表或行为上无约束或无须学习的Growing without cultivation or human labor; indigenous.自然生长的:不用耕作或人类劳动而生长的;天生的From Late Latin spont³s [of one's own accord] 源自 后期拉丁语 spont³s [出于自己的原因] from Latin sponte * see (s)pen- 源自 拉丁语 sponte *参见 (s)pen- sponta“neouslyadv.(副词)sponta“neousnessn.(名词)spontaneous,impulsive,instinctive,involuntary,automaticThese adjectives mean acting, reacting, or happening without apparent forethought, prompting, or planning.这些形容词的意思是没有显然地事前考虑、外力推动和计划而行动、反应或发生。 Spontaneous applies to what arises naturally rather than resulting from external constraint or stimulus: Spontaneous 指自然发生而非由于外部强制或刺激的结果: The two suddenly embraced in a spontaneous gesture of affection.两个人因爱而突然自发地拥抱在一起。

“The highest and best form of efficiency is the spontaneous cooperation of a free people” (Woodrow Wilson). “效率的最高和最好的形式是让人们自由地协作” (伍德罗·威尔森)。

Impulsive refers to the operation of a sudden urge or feeling not governed by reason: Impulsive 指不被某种原因决定的冲动或情感的作用: Letting her friend borrow her car was an impulsive act that she immediately regretted.让朋友借走她的车是她立刻就感到后悔的冲动行为。Instinctive implies behavior prompted by instinct as a natural consequence of membership in a species: Instinctive 意味由本能而引发的行为,是某一种类成员的自然结果: “Nor is head-hunting, body-snatching, or killing for food instinctive or natural” (Bronislaw Malinowski).The term also applies to what reflects or comes about as a result of a natural inclination or innate impulse: “既不是为捕猎头,或为获得身体,也不是本能地或自然地为了食物而杀害” (布劳内斯罗·马林诺夫斯基)。这个词也应用于作为一种自然倾向或因内在冲动而产生的后果: Offering to help the accident victims seems as instinctive as breathing.对意外受难者的帮助就象呼吸一样出于本能。Involuntary refers to what is not subject to the control of the will: Involuntary 指不受制于意志控制的东西: “It [becoming a hero] was involuntary. They sank my boat” (John F. Kennedy). “非自愿地〔成为一个英雄〕 。

他们推我下船” (约翰·F·肯尼迪)。

自发的的英语翻译 自发的用英语怎么说

自发的spontaneous;initiative;voluntary;[植] autonomous;unprompted更多释义>>[网络短语]自发的 spontaneous;essential;autogenous自发的行为 spontaneous action;a spontaneous action自发的鼓掌. spontaneous applause


十八世纪英国著名的“湖畔诗人”威廉华兹华斯,他的创作理念是"All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling."(一切优秀的诗作均是强烈情感的自然流露)。为了能深刻体味"spontaneous"的涵义,可以先来欣赏他的一段小诗“I wandered lonely as a cloud/ That floats on high o'er vales and hills/ Where all at once I saw a crowd /A host,of golden daffodils;/Beside the lake ,beneath the trees/Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.(独行徐徐如浮云/横绝太空渡山谷/忽然在我一瞥中/金色水仙花成簇/开在湖边乔木下/微风之中频摇曳 郭沫若 译)”。


此时再看看词典里对spontaneous的解释一一Spontaneous means something happened not because somebody suggested you,not caused by something outside. It's from something inside of yourself.相信spontaneous现在已经深刻地印在我们的头脑之中了。


音标发音和拼音中发音差不多spontaneous形容词自然的,本能的s发拼音中s音p发拼音中b音(遇到s轻音浊化)o发拼音中ao音n发拼音中n音(浊音,不张嘴只引起声带震动)t发拼音中t音a发拼音中ei音(或者字母a的本音)n发拼音中n音(同上)e发拼音中i音ou发拼音中e音eou正常连起来读是拼音i和e连起来读s发拼音中s音整体拼s bao n't ei 'n i e sregularly 副词有规律地r发拼音中ruo音e发拼音中ai音g发拼音中g音u发字母u的本音l发拼音中l音ar发拼音中e音ly作为副词的词缀一般都读拼音中lei音整体拼ruo ai'g u(字母u音) l e leinaturally副词,自然的,天然的n发拼音中n音(浊音,同上)a发拼音中ai音tu发拼音中ch音r发拼音中ruo音a发拼音中e音lly发拼音中lei整体拼nai 'ch ruo e 'lei

poetry is spontaneous是谁说的

poetry is the spontaneous(一切好诗都是强烈感情的自然流露)是华兹华斯说的。原文:For all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings。


这句话是华兹华斯,华兹华斯也重新定义的了诗。华兹华斯的诗在令人绝望的时代巨轮之下,华兹华斯重新定义了诗。他说:For all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings,即一切好诗都是强烈感情的自然流露。于是华兹华斯选择了在湖光山色中平静地度过自己的一生,首创了一种洗尽铅华的新型语言来写诗,他一方面尽情地讴歌自然,另一方面也挖掘人类的内心世界(这可以视为现代新诗的起点)。


