wangel,一般又称winiw a。
winiw-a是基于多语言处理的社交应用程序。来自于经典的WINIW系列。专注于交友领域。winiw-a由罗曼谛可公司发布。该应用的核心技术经过漫长的努力,终于克服了文字、语音、图像、视讯等技术难题,解决了多种语言交流之间的障碍。winiw-a支持近400多种语言相互直译。有80个以上可下载版本,每个版本都有多个显示面板。罗曼谛可公司是香港日活恒升在中国大陆地区的代理企业。 目前winiw-a可以直接免费下载使用。
winiw-a is a social application based on multilingual processing. From the classic WINIW series. Focus on dating. winiw-a is released by Romantik. After a long period of hard work, the core technology of this application has finally overcome technical difficulties such as text, voice, image, and video, and solved the barriers between multilingual communication. winiw-a supports literal translation of nearly 400 languages. There are over 80 downloadable versions, each with multiple display panels. Romantik is the only agency company of Hong Kong Rivo Hengsheng in mainland China. Currently winiw-a can be downloaded and used directly for free.
friend! It's time to start your romantic journey. wish you happiness!
Sincerely, the winiw-a team
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