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  • 分   类:手机app
  • 大   小:10.48M
  • 游戏ID:a7eb4f5
  • 说   明:Slow
  • 提   示:自辨安全性
  • 发   布:2023-01-19 03:26:01




Slow Shutter Cam app is the long exposure app that you’ve been waiting for. It does it all, and produces sharp results in an easy-to-use interface.

When true long exposure photography on a DSLR opens and leaves the shutter for as long as you indicate on the phone. However, it wasn’t until recent updates that the shutter speed could be manipulated at all. This left developers to create apps that mimic the effects of long exposure photographs by combining multiple photos together. Slow Shutter Cam is one such app.


?Slow Shutter Cam is made to do long exposure photography, and does this well, in addition to adding a few other features that come in handy as well. There are three different capture modes in this app: Motion Blur, Light Trail, and Low Light

?The Motion Blur capture mode allows you to edit the blur strength from 1 to 7 (Min-Max), in addition to allowing you to change the capture duration from minimum (1/8 sec.) to unlimited. This mode is great for creating blurred motion behind (or in front of) the subject, much like you see when doing a long exposure on a DSLR

?The Light Trail has a Light Sensitivity option from 1/128 to Full (1), and the same Capture Duration setting as the Motion Blur. This option is ideal for creating light streaks behind a subject, much like you see with the headlights of a car as it goes by the camera.

?The Low Light allows for a boost in exposure and Capture Duration changes as well. This option is used for taking photos in low-light situations.

?With each of the above options you can capture motion up to 60 seconds. If you need longer exposures, set the capture duration slider to "bulb". More on that later. For each shooting mode, you now the ISO setting is responsible for the light sensitivity in photography. A low ISO value means low sensitivity, longer exposure and low noise. A high ISO setting leads to shorter exposure but also increases noise in the final photo.

Setting ISO to auto by moving the ISO slider to the left will tell Slow Shutter Cam to choose an ISO setting that may lead to noisy photos in low light situations. So, unless you're shooting in bright sunlight, try to set it manually.
Next set the two sliders "Strength" and "Capture Duration". The capture duration goes up to 60 seconds. If you need to shoot longer exposures with your phone, then set the capture duration slider to "bulb". In this mode you have to start and stop the exposure manually by pressing the shutter release. Don't even think using this mode without a tripod and a remote shutter. Your picture will be blurry!

?Once you've shot the image, you can edit certain aspects of the shot. Slow Shutter Cam will display a small toolbar with three buttons "clear", "save" and "edit". "Clear" will simply delete the photo you've just shot without saving it. "Save" does what the name suggests. By pressing "edit", you can adjust settings like brightness, contrast, saturation and hue. But best of all, you can even adjust the intensity of e.g. the motion blur or the light trails after you took the shot.

?Notice the "Freeze" button. Once you tap it, you can adjust the freeze (or motion blur) in the shot. Move the slider to the left to get a motion blur effect towards the beginning of the exposure and move it to the right to get the motion blur effect towards the end of the exposure. Isn't that awesome?

If you're serious about taking stunning photos at night with the phone, then Slow Shutter Cam is a definite recommendat

来自应用汇: Slow Shutter Cam

